Science News

After you see the new 7-ingredient 3D-printed slice of cake, you might want to try a bite!

Published by
Gilchrist Charnell

Looks like it came straight out of an Easy Bake oven

Are you ready to embrace the future of food printing and 3D food? A 3D-printed slice of cake might convince you. This delicious dessert is a glimpse of the technology that could revolutionize our kitchens. Using lasers to cook food may sound like a concept from a sci-fi movie, but it is already a reality for some innovative chefs and food scientists.

In an exciting development, researchers have successfully 3D printed a slice of cake made from a combination of seven ingredients. The ingredients used to create this unique dessert include graham cracker paste, peanut butter, strawberry jam, Nutella, banana puree, cherry drizzle, and frosting.

The rapid advancement of 3D printing technology has opened up new possibilities in various industries, including the food industry. This cake slice is just one example of how this technology can create personalized and unique food items.

A specialized 3D printer that can print food items was used to create the cake slice. This printer utilizes a process known as “selective laser sintering,” which involves layering and fusing ingredients utilizing a laser.

The cake slice was made using only natural, edible ingredients, carefully chosen to ensure the final product had the perfect texture and flavor. In addition, each component layer was carefully designed to add a unique color and texture to the final product, resulting in a visually stunning dessert.

While this cake slice was created to demonstrate 3D printing technology, it has potential applications in the food industry. For example, 3D printing could create customized food items for individuals with specific dietary restrictions or preferences.

A seven-ingredient 3D-printed slice of cake.

How 3D-printing technology works

Before we dive into how lasers are used for cooking, it’s essential to understand how 3D-printing technology works. 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, creates three-dimensional objects using a digital file. Then, the printer builds the object layer by layer, using materials such as plastic, metal, and food.

In the case of food, the printer uses a syringe to deposit the ingredients in even layers, building up the final product from the bottom up. This process allows for incredible precision and customization, making it possible to create complex shapes and designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve by hand. And because the printer can be programmed to create multiple copies of the same plan ideally, it’s an excellent tool for mass production in the food industry.

But 3D printing is just one part of the story. To truly understand the future of cooking with lasers, we must look at how this technology combines with other cutting-edge tools and techniques.

The future of cooking with lasers

So, how exactly do lasers fit into the picture? In short, lasers can precisely control the cooking process, allowing for perfectly cooked dishes with minimal effort.

Here’s how it works: a laser beam is directed onto the food, heating it and cooking it from the outside in. By carefully controlling the temperature and intensity of the laser, chefs and food scientists can achieve a level of precision that’s impossible with traditional cooking methods.

For example, imagine you’re cooking a steak. With a laser, you could heat the surface of the steak to a precise temperature, forming a perfectly seared and flavorful crust. Then, you could cook the inside of the steak to a different temperature, depending on how rare or well-done you want it to be.

This level of precision is great for taste and texture and makes it easier to cook multiple dishes at once without worrying about overcooking or undercooking anything. And because the laser heats the food quickly, it can save time and energy compared to traditional cooking methods.

Of course, this technology has some limitations, which we’ll explore later. But first, let’s take a closer look at some of the advantages of laser cooking technology.

Advantages of laser cooking technology

One of the most significant advantages of laser cooking technology is its precision. By controlling the temperature and intensity of the laser, chefs and food scientists can achieve a level of control that’s simply impossible with traditional cooking methods.

This precision can lead to better taste and texture and more visually appealing dishes. For example, using a laser for cooking a steak can produce a perfectly seared crust that’s both flavorful and visually stunning.

Another advantage of laser cooking is its speed. Because the laser heats the food so quickly, it can save time and energy compared to traditional cooking methods. This can be especially useful in commercial kitchens, where speed and efficiency are critical.

And because laser cooking is so precise, it can also reduce waste. By cooking food precisely as needed, chefs can avoid overcooking or undercooking and minimize the amount of food that needs to be thrown away.

But perhaps the most significant advantage of laser cooking technology is its potential to transform the food industry as we know it.

The potential impact on the food industry

As with any new technology, there’s a lot of excitement and speculation around the potential impact of laser cooking. Some experts believe that it could revolutionize how we think about food, with implications for everything from nutrition to sustainability.

For example, laser cooking could make it easier to create plant-based proteins that taste and feel like meat, helping to reduce our reliance on animal products. It could also make it easier to customize meals for individual dietary needs, such as gluten-free or low-carb diets.

And because laser cooking is so precise, it could reduce food waste by ensuring every dish is cooked precisely as needed. This could be a game-changer for the food industry, which is currently responsible for a significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Of course, some challenges still need to be overcome before laser cooking becomes widespread. So let’s look at some challenges and how they might be addressed.

The role of robotics in laser cooking

One of the biggest challenges of laser cooking technology is the need for precise control over the cooking process. This requires a high degree of skill and expertise, which can be challenging to achieve on a large scale.

That’s where robotics comes in. By combining laser cooking technology with robotics, it’s possible to achieve a level of precision and consistency that’s impossible with human chefs alone.

For example, a robotic arm could be programmed to direct the laser beam onto the food, ensuring it’s cooked precisely as needed. This could be especially useful in commercial kitchens, where consistency and efficiency are key.

However, there are still some limitations to this approach. For example, robots can be expensive to purchase and maintain, and they may not be able to respond to unexpected changes in the cooking process as well as a human chef could. - Cheap Game CD Keys. Compare Prices and Buy! Find Steam, Origin, PSN and XBOX Keys Always in Low Prices. Save on Every Game. 24/7 Customer Support. Instant Delivery in 5 min.

Other applications of laser cooking technology

While laser cooking is perhaps most commonly associated with the food industry, this technology has many other applications.

For example, laser cooking could be used in the medical industry to sterilize equipment or even to perform precise surgical procedures. And because lasers can be focused to such a minor point, they have the potential to be used in nanotechnology and other cutting-edge fields.

Of course, these other applications are still mainly in the realm of speculation for now. But as laser cooking technology continues to evolve and improve, we may see more and more innovative uses for this powerful tool.

Challenges and limitations of laser cooking

While laser cooking technology certainly has a lot of potentials, some challenges and limitations still need to be addressed before it becomes widespread.

One of the biggest challenges is the cost of implementing this technology. Lasers can be expensive to purchase and maintain, and the equipment needed to control the cooking process can also be costly.

In addition, there are still some limitations to the types of food that can be cooked using lasers. For example, foods with high water content can be challenging to cook without overcooking or drying out.

And while robotics can help to address some of the challenges of laser cooking, there are still limitations to what robots can do. 

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The cost of implementing laser cooking technology

As with any new technology, the cost of implementing laser cooking can be a significant barrier to adoption. In addition, lasers and other equipment can be expensive to purchase and maintain, and the training needed to use them effectively can also be costly.

However, some experts believe that the potential benefits of laser cooking technology could outweigh these costs in the long run. For example, the precision and consistency of laser cooking could lead to better-tasting and more visually appealing dishes, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

In addition, laser cooking could help to reduce food waste and energy consumption, which could be a significant selling point for environmentally conscious consumers.

Conclusion – What the future holds for laser cooking technology

So, what does the future hold for laser cooking technology? While some challenges and limitations still need to be addressed, there’s no denying that this technology has much potential to transform the food industry and beyond.

From 3D-printed cheesecakes to perfectly seared steaks, lasers offer precision and control that’s impossible with traditional cooking methods. And with the help of robotics and other cutting-edge tools, this technology could become even more potent.

Of course, only time will tell how laser cooking technology will evolve and be adopted. But with so much excitement and potential surrounding this innovative approach to cooking, it’s clear that the future of food will look very different from the past.


[i] Jonathan Blutinger et al., The future of software-controlled cooking (Mar. 21, 2023)

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Gilchrist Charnell

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